Spiritual Housekeeping. What is it?

What is spiritual housekeeping?

We are all fundamentally energy in motion, everything is energy in motion. The frequency of the motion, determines the way an object appears. Think of an electric toothbrush, when it’s stationary, you can see the individual bristles but when it’s oscillating at a higher rate, you can’t see the individual bristles.

As a result of this, we each hold an individual energy field. Through the law of entrainment, a stronger energy field can influence the frequency of a less powerful energy field.

When you walk into a room, you may often be able to sense the frequency of the room, we often interpret this as a pleasant feeling or an uncomfortable feeling. Sometimes we just feel like we don’t belong.

This is you intuitively sensing the energy of the room and recognising that it is influencing your energy field.

With that in mind, it’s important to remember that you are the guardian of your own energy, so if something or someone brings your frequency

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