As many of you may remember, I have been writing articles for this website for many many years and, as they have been so popular, I thought I would collate them into an e-book for you to enjoy. I will be selecting the best articles and the ones that have drawn the most attention.

I aim to have this ready for you towards the beginning of next year so watch this space!

For latest blog articles click here

Latest News from the Yoga Freedom Blog

Saturday yoga and gong class - a request!
Hello yogis! I am thinking of re-starting a Monthly Saturday afternoon Yoga and Gong event, to take place in Kingsthorpe.If this more
Going away on holiday? Take me with you!
Hello Yogis. Summertime has at last arrived. Because this is the time of year when everyone disappears to go on holiday, I have uploaded more
How was your day?
Have you ever sat down and really looked at your day? Most of us fall into life and then let it carry us from pillar to post. This has more

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