As many of you may remember, I have been writing articles for this website for many many years and, as they have been so popular, I thought I would collate them into an e-book for you to enjoy. I will be selecting the best articles and the ones that have drawn the most attention.

I aim to have this ready for you towards the beginning of next year so watch this space!

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Latest News from the Yoga Freedom Blog

Trataka Meditation.
Bringing in the light as we move towards the Autumn. What are the Benefits? Looking at the candle through slightly closed eyes helps the more
Trataka Meditation.
Bringing in the light as we move towards the Autumn. What are the Benefits? Looking at the candle through slightly closed eyes helps the more
Crystal Therapy - What happens during a treatment`and how the treatment works.
For those of you who regularly attend my yoga and or gong baths, you will be familiar with the principle that wherever your attention more

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