As your Crystal Therapist, I have qualified to include 2 Crystal Therapy Diplomas and have now furthered my training to include Mastership Level Crystal Therapist.

As we continue to evolve and change; energetically and spiritually, I am committed to continue my training.

I would be honoured to help you to support your body’s journey and your life as a whole, towards a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

A Crystal therapy treatment is non-invasive and is extremely relaxing.

You will relax onto a treatment couch, with a blanket and soft music.

During the treatment, I will balance your chakras and your energy bodies, checking for holes, chordal attachments or negative energy accumulation; that may be causing your physical and energetic bodies to become unbalanced.

Using intention and by the placing of crystal stones on and around your body, I will encourage a clearing, re-charging and re-aligning of your energetic fields; leading to a balance and radiance being felt within the physical body.

Your energetic fields will be realigned to the single note of the Earth, helping you to be grounded and held lovingly within this physical world.

I will also infuse your light bodies with more light, enabling a higher purpose and activation to raise your conscious level and understanding of yourself and the world around you.

You may benefit from Crystal Therapy if you:

  • Feel low on energy or if you are suffering from fatigue.
  • Are suffering from chronic illness that is being treated medically, but that you would like further support in managing.
  • Just want to relax.
  • You wish to find a new path towards a more spiritual connection, within your daily life and beyond and would like to do some Soul searching.
  • Spiritual life coaching.

Believing that you are living this life for a purpose, and that you are a being of energy and light, the Crystal Therapy treatments I offer, also connect you back to your original Soul blueprint; enabling you to re-establish the lessons and plans you originally made when deciding to come to the Earth in your physical form.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to know more about the amazing benefits you will find.

A Crystal Treatment is a wonderful way to support your well-being, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or energetically.

As with all energy treatments, should you have any specific medical concerns, I would always recommend that you contact your GP prior to your treatment, to make sure that you are receiving comprehensive and complete care for your health and well-being.

Treatments include an initial 10 minute consultation at the start of each treatment and are held at my Northampton treatment room - Address will be given upon booking.

I also offer. Sound Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Reiki from my treatment room.

Contact me for details

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