Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana

Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana

Come into a kneeling position with your big toes touching and your knees and heels apart. Rest your pelvis down into the gap between your heels. Walk your hands forward whilst keeping your tail bone pushed down onto your heels. Pull your abdomen in as you do this. You will create more room and be able to move further into the pose. Once you have your hands out fully in front of you rest your forehead on the floor, keep your stomach pulled in. Feel the extension through your spine, from the tail bone to your neck. Keep the hands extended and breath into the posture. Notice how the breath is taken naturally into the back. This is releasing.

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Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana
Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana Come into a kneeling position with your big toes touching and your knees and heels apart. Rest more
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