Planning for a fulfilling future with you!

Planning for a fulfilling future with you!

Recent months, for me, have highlighted the level of attachment we all have to the way we perceive life ‘should’ be. I am desperate to get back to a level of normality that is familiar.

Before I share with you some wonderful Yoga tips and practices, and in reflection of the constant changes that continue to unfold around us, I need your patience for a short while longer!

Following from the recent feedback I have received and although I really want to get back to seeing you all in person, I have decided to hold fire on this for the time being and for a number of reasons. 

I want to share them with you below, so you can see why I have made the decision I have.

Infection numbers in Northampton
- These are very confusing and apparently alarming?? With some reports saying we are heading for a lockdown and others saying that numbers are slowing. This is causing a lot of uncertainty and worry. Where some people are feeling quite care free and others are extremely concerned.

When I am looking to plan the next move, business wise, this is most unhelpful. So I am opting for the short term, to keep you all safe! A constant review of the situation is always at the forefront of my decision making, and I will make changes as the situation unfolds.

Your feedback and expectations - Will you want to join me in a hall environment over the coming months? The feedback I gained from the recent survey I did suggested most of you preferred to stay online for now.

The reality of space verses social distancing rules - There has to be enough space available, and willing bodies to make hiring the hall every week for an hour, a viable option. In order to ensure your safety, we need to be 2 meters apart, mat from mat. The halls I teach at usually hold 14 people with ease but that would need to be drastically reduced, to gain the required floor space for social distancing.

Ventilation issues - I will have to have windows and doors open in the halls to accommodate the required level of ventilation in order to safely hold classes inside. This may become uncomfortable for all as the weather changes.

Making the space safe - I will have to measure and mark out the floor areas before each class as I only teach in each venue once or twice a week so it is being used by others in that time.

In addition, I will be cleaning the floors and surfaces before and after each class, to ensure you are safe and in accordance with guidelines.

Weather changes and illness -As the winter approaches and more coughs and colds emerge, will I find myself limited in attendees, due to people having to stay away.

Government guidelines are listed here:

I hope you can see the challenges I am facing with getting back to halls at this time and I do hope you can stay with me online for a little longer. I will review these changes on a monthly basis and will get back to see you soon.

An offer for you! 

If you have not yet tried an online class, please do try a free Saturday morning class on me to see how it goes, or I am also offering half price 121 classes of £7.50 per 30 minutes for the month of september and subject to availability. Please do get in touch if any of these options are of interest to you.

Because I value the time you spend practicing with me each week, and because I am passionate about continuing to provide a service that is meeting your needs. I have enlisted the help of short Survey Monkey online survey, to help me to understand the areas I can improve on and those that you are happy with. If you could take a moment to complete it, that would be wonderful!. It takes 2 minutes to complete and is very simple and easy.

I promised you some yoga tips and practices…

Feedback from the online classes...

"Great class thank you – vision and voice excellent – was using a lap top – like being in the same room with you!"


Please note: Each class is subject to internet connection. I will contact you on receipt of your PayPal payment to book your required date. Please allow 1 hour prior to the start of the class to allow me to send to you a link and password for your class. Classes are non-refundable if client is late or does not show. If I cancel for any reason, client will receive a full refund. Yoga Freedom can take no responsibility for loss or injury to the client, during online classes.

Please seek medical advice if you are unsure of your fitness to practice Yoga and are booking a yoga class. You may be required to complete a short health declaration via email before the class. Click here to view and complete the form. I will not use your data for any other purpose!

Ensuring your yoga practice works for you and not against you!

Hello Yogis.

I thought it was again time to share with you some more yoga tips and practices that will help you to find a practice that suits you!

This month, I am looking at ways you can ensure your yoga practice is working for you and not against you.

You may wonder how yoga can work against you, but my years of experience have shown me it is possible to make matters worse, rather than better, when it comes to balancing health and wellbeing!

Read more

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