Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana

Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana

Come into a kneeling position with your big toes touching and your knees and heels apart. Rest your pelvis down into the gap between your heels. Walk your hands forward whilst keeping your tail bone pushed down onto your heels. Pull your abdomen in as you do this. You will create more room and be able to move further into the pose. Once you have your hands out fully in front of you rest your forehead on the floor, keep your stomach pulled in. Feel the extension through your spine, from the tail bone to your neck. Keep the hands extended and breath into the posture. Notice how the breath is taken naturally into the back. This is releasing.


A block or a bolster can be used under the buttocks or forehead to help with relaxation in the pose for those who find the stretch uncomfortable.

Mental Benefits

This pose is calming. It also releases anger and stills the mind. It is an introverted posture which brings awareness to the self. The breath is taken into the back; this opens the heart chakra and promotes a feeling of openness and relaxation. The extension from the tail bone to the crown of the head makes you fully aware of the physical body. The body and mind are freed of the tension that has been carried within them. The shoulders are relaxed and released, this also is freeing. Picture a graceful swan swimming on a calm lake to bring your mind into a place of peace. Swans are strong and proud creatures, they are also very beautiful. Absorb these qualities when in the posture.


Swan stretch opens and balances the heart, naval and sacral chakras, bringing with it all the benefits of working on each of these chakras.

Sacral Chakra

This chakra is associated with the reproductive organs and adrenalin glands. Its human talent is that of creativity. People who are well balanced in this chakra tend to have strong opinions and they make decisions led by their passions and motivation. They may also feel as though life is wonderfully colourful, vibrant and meaningful.

Solar Plexus

The human talent for this chakra is commitment. A strong naval centre enables a person to have control over his or her actions. Once activated, a person will feel vibrant and alive. They are energetic, organised and goal orientated.

Heart Centre

This chakra is linked to the sense of touch and movement. The arms and hands are also associated with it. This chakra holds the human talent of compassion. It breeds kindness and goodwill. This is the most powerful energy centre.

Physical Benefits

The back muscles are stretched and relaxed. The spine is elongated and opened which separates the vertebrae; this relieves pressure on the nerves that run through the spinal cord. As the disks are realigned into their natural position, they no longer compress and trap the nerves that run between them. Tension that may have been stored in the neck and back muscles is released and a strong stretch is experienced through the leg, buttock and neck muscles. This posture also tones the pelvic muscles and nourishes and relieves disorders of the reproductive organs. Swan stretch is also an excellent counter pose to back bends and spinal twists.


When in swan stretch, Uddiyana Bandha and Moola Bandha can be practiced.

General Benefits of the Bandhas

By holding the inhaled breath, we benefit from the fresh oxygen we are retaining. This cleanses and purifies the body. Internal organs are massaged as we tighten the muscles. They have a positive effect on the endocrine system by working on different glands such as the thyroid and adrenal glands. They break down negative energy in the body which leads to ill health. They help to distribute prana and nourish the subtle body, which can lead to the release of kundalini.


This bandha works on the adrenal gland, hypothalamus and pituitary gland it also gently massages the heart muscles. When practicing this bandha it is beneficial to focus on the manipura, solar plexus chakra. Regular use of this lock is said to bring youthfulness and compassion. This bandha helps with menstrual irregularities but is not to be performed during menstruation. This bandha improves blood circulation to the trunk of the body and strengthens internal organs


When practicing this lock, focus on the energy moving up your spine to your third eye or crown chakras. This bandha is beneficial in the treatment of psychosomatic and some degenerative illnesses due to the release of energy that occurs. It benefits asthma, bronchitis and arthritis sufferers because its effects spread throughout the body via the brain and endocrine system. It is also known to relieve depression. Once perfected, this bandha leads to a spontaneous realignment of the physical, mental and psychic bodies, which prepares us for spiritual awakening. Sexual disorders are helped as this bandha is also a means to sexual control.

The Bandhas should not be practiced without the guidance of an experienced teacher as they may be harmful if practiced incorrectly or if you are suffering from certain medical conditions.


Swan stretch may be hard on the knees and hips. Props can be used to help students who find the stretch difficult. Blankets can be placed under the knees or behind the knees to offer padding and support. If you have a specific condition where your knees or hips are affected, please do contact an experienced yoga instructor or GP for advice before attempting this pose.

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