Crystal Therapy - What happens during a treatment`and how the treatment works.

For those of you who regularly attend my yoga and or gong baths, you will be familiar with the principle that wherever your attention goes, energy flows!

This is basically a law known as entrainment. When one holds a powerful energy or intention, that energy begins to draw more of the same energy towards it. Once there is enough of the desired energy, it begins to build, where-upon it then starts to influence other energies around it.

What is entrainment in action?

Using the example of metranomes, if you were to place them at opposing rhythms, close to each other, eventually they would harmonise their frequency together and begin to move at the exact same rhythm. Another example is where an energy of a room is a bit flat and someone who has a larger than life personality comes in, they can influence the room to raise the vibration. Likewise this can work in the opposite, as long as the introductory energy is larger than the energy of the room. If someone were to walk into a room, and they were feeling flat, should the energy of the room be buoyant enough, it could eventually influence the individuals energy to become more buoyant and lighter. I would imagine that most of us would have experienced this at once time or another.

How does this work in relation to crystal therapy?

Each Crystal is an energy form, in and of itself. This is caused by the Crystal’s individual makeup. Each crystal formation is based upon one of the Sacred Geometric shapes, such as a Cuboid, or a Trigonal. Different crystals hold different energies because of the circumstances in which they are formed. Some are formed under sever pressure, some take more time, some crystals are harder and some are soft. All of these aspects begin to give each crystal its own unique vibration.

In addition to the energy form that each crystal brings, each crystal also has the ability to receive, and transmit energy.

The intention then of the practitioner to further energise the crystal with a particular function or role, is referred to as programming.

The crystals, which are selected intuitively, then merge with the energy field of the person receiving the therapy, and through the law of entrainment, starts to influence the energy field of that person; thereby creating a favourable environment for healing and deep rest.

Above is a very basic explanation of the energetic influence that the crystals have one the person receiving the treatment.

Below I will give a very basic run down of the energy alignments I use my intention and the crystals to make to the client during the treatment. Please feel free to google any of the terms below or ask me more about them to gain clarification.

What happens during a crystal therapy treatment?

On arrival, I will chat to you about what you would like from the therapy session. This sequence below can be deviated from as and when I am asked to intuitively but this represents the first line of treatment.

I will ask you to sit on the couch or to stand whilst I then check the energy down the spine using a pendulum and will repair any holes or imbalances that are found.

Once you rest on the couch, I will tune into the energies that I work with, seal and protect, your energy, my energy and the energy of the room.

Most of the time, I will be working in and around your aura but some crystals are placed directly upon your body and I do hold the feet and the head at different points during the treatment.

The Crystal Therapy Sequence I begin with.

Place client in a geometric grid known as Metratronic Cube, this is done using various crystals.

I will then check the aura for holes and repair if necessary.

Diagnose the energy of the chakras and select relevant crystals to be placed upon the chakras. Activate and balance each chakra.

Check the chakras for energetic chords, entities and implants.

Align and call in the energetic bodies. This is extremely powerful and will help you to feel balanced and grounded.

Clear the energy field of debris.

Balance the chakras and aura using pairs of chakras and crystals in sequence.

Align and install the Hara line, ground to the first note of the Earth.

Energise the Pranic Triangle

Polarity Balance - to balance the right and left flow of energy through the body.

Balance the Limbic Brain.

Activate the clients Divine Core, Divine Template and hold space for them to access their Divine Blueprint.

Place the Divine Blueprint into the four chambers of the heart.

Activate the Axiatonal lines, using the spin points.

Activate the Axiatonal lines and connect to the Meridians and Earths Grid.

Place the 3 fold flame and earth energy into the Heart and the Aura.

Activate and balance the Microcosmic Orbit.

Activate and bring in the Bodies of Light.

Place into a Merkabah Grid. Ground the Merkabar through Earth Star and Crown and Activate the Merkabah.

Place in the Tree of Life Grid.

Activate the Alpha and Omega Chakras

Activate the Master Cell.

Activate the Mahatma Energy.

Seal and protect the Aura following the healing.

At the end of the treatment.

I usually leave the client alone and resting on the couch for a few minutes to receive the stillness they are in and then bring them a drink.

As I mentioned there are many other aspects to a crystal therapy treatment but you may experience some profound and deep clearing and aligning that makes you feel wonderful.

If you would like to book either a Crystal, Reiki, Sound or Yoga therapy session, you can do so here:

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

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