When you're feeling 'All at Sea" at Christmas time!

Hello Yogis!

In this issue, you will find...

* information regarding the timetable of classes over the Christmas period.

* A story I wish to share with you because sometimes, Christmas can feel like 'just something else I have to worry about’. If the last sentence resonates with you, please do read on!

This is important to me because I know of so many people who are holding a lot up this year. I will be giving away 2 complementary treatments at the end of this blog!

A Christmas Heads Up!

Christmas Opening Times are as follows:

Wednesday Class will close after the Winter Solstice event on 20th December and will re-open on Wednesday 3rd January.

Thursday Class will close after Thursday 23rd November and will re-open again on Thursday 11th January.

Treatment appointments will close after Thursday 21st December and will re-open on Tuesday 2nd January.

When you’re feeling ‘all at sea’ at Christmas time.

With all the stresses that Christmas can bring, some people find Christmas to be a bit of a struggle.

Some of the situations and circumstances one may find themselves dealing with at this heightened time may be unresolved or ongoing. Therefore, there may be pressure to 'be happy' during the Christmas period, when really one is feeling far from joyous!

All the TV adverts and Christmas songs depict joy and contentment on and around Christmas Day,

It is ok to need help and to give yourself some time and space to align inwardly with the truth of a situation that you may be sitting in.

Finding comfort may be in recognising that your own inner dialogue may need a little reshuffle and gentle encouragement in order to help you to find some peace and inner resolve.

The podcast.

During the pandemic, I recorded a podcast that told the story of a time in my life, when I was going through a traumatic and long term situation. I told the story of how I looked after my mental end emotional health during this period of my life.

This situation lasted a number of years. I tried everything I could to resolve the problem practically and to distance myself. I asked for help from the services that could help; doing everything they asked of me. But in the end, I just had to sit tight!

The situation eventually resolved itself because things moved on and as they say; "this too shall pass'.

The podcast, offers advice that can also be used to help one to cope with the minor annoyances that life throws your way,

For me to record this, I was exposing a deep truth about my circumstances and one that I was ashamed of for many years. I felt I could have been judged in some way, as I felt truly powerless and at the mercy of events.

I would see others in their seemingly perfect lives; ones that I felt they were in ownership of and I felt like I was riding a wave that I could not steer at all!

I hope this blog highlights that we all go through things at some time or another and we should all receive love and assistance when struggling.

You can listen to the podcast here by clicking on the title 'Patanjali's 2nd Yama.

If you need any help or assistance urgently with how you are feeling, please do not hesitate to contact your health provider.

Self-care this Christmas.

I am offering two complementary Crystal or Reiki Treatments as a way of support to those who need it;* this is my gift to you. You may like to take one of these appointments yourself, or you may choose to gift it to someone you feel is needing some support right now. The appointments will be offered through a draw that I will pull on Monday 4th December! *The treatments, once booked, cannot be rescheduled but you can send someone else in your place.

Treatment slot 1 is 1.00pm on Thursday 14th December

Treatment slot 2 is 3.00pm on Thursday 14th December,

Please don’t be shy in putting yourself or another forward.

I love what I do and I am so grateful for the journey I have had through life, as it has given me the tools to give back.

Gift Vouchers.

You also have the option of gifting Yoga Freedom gift vouchers to a friend or family member that would benefit from a treatment or a yoga class. The vouchers start from £10 and can be submitted against any of the classes/treatments I run, excluding Magazine Heaven events.

Sending you lots of love,


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