Celebrating the Summer Solstice - Some special events and a ritual for you!

Creating a celebration of summer!

With everything we have all been through over the last couple of years, won’t it be wonderful to be able to turn our attention to traditional rituals and celebrations, to enable a feeling of infinite connection and deeper meaning in life!

I work so much with higher energies and higher awareness, but as I always say, these things are only really useful when brought into the physical realm and used on a daily basis in order to better one’s life, and the lives of those around us.

In light of this, I thought I would share with you a little ritual that you may like to do, as the Summer Solstice approaches.

What does the Summer Solstice represent?

Representing longer days, and the energy of the sun, this is a time for personal expression and a celebration of one’s capabilities.

When we apply ourselves fully in this life, we are laying the foundations for the future. As the old saying goes, ‘look after today, and tomorrow will take care of itself”.

This is a special time, when we can finally begin to reap the benefits of our efforts. All the harvesting has been done, and now is the time to celebrate all the hard work that happened over the winter and spring months, and to enjoy the benefit of that work!

It is a time to allow moments of reflection, joy, happiness and connection.

Crystals to use for the Summer Solstice!

As we are focussing on the Sun’s energy, we can use crystals such as Citrine, Golden or orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz, Bumble Bee Jasper. There is also a wonderful stone called Sunstone, which would be perfect too!

These crystals relate the the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is known as our internal sun! We activate the activity of life, through this chakra; placing ourselves and receiving others in this world.

So it is an important Chakra for ‘getting things done’, for ‘inspiring and instigating change’ and for reseting and realigning our place and our life’s path.

This is a wonderful time to re-evaluate where you are, and to begin to plan for the months ahead, so you can lay down the seeds for next year’s abundance!

Securing these energies into this reality!

As I believe that all these wonderful energies need to synergise with Mother Earth, you may also want to use some Tournaline, green moss agate, flower agate, hematite or black obsidian to ground the sun energies into the earth.

Choosing the time!

For some of us, getting up early to watch the sun rise on the morning of the Solstice is something not to be missed, so feel free to be waiting for first light, whether that be at home, or somewhere sacred and outside in nature.

Others may prefer to watch the sun set!

It is entirely up to you.

Once you have chosen your perfect time!

Creating a ritual!

You may like to set some of the crystals up on a home made altar in the corner of the room, out in the garden or have them on your person as you find a spot in nature to ‘be with the energy’ of the solstice and to ‘set your intentions’ for the months ahead.

You may also like to use some plants, stones and leaves, around the altar or on your garden display to represent Mother Earth’s gifts to you.

If you are venturing off into nature, just being in nature, with your crystals will be just perfect.


For me, the practice of yoga is the perfect way to bring spiritual energy into the physical realm, using your body as the vehicle to do just that, so I would always advise a yoga practice of some kind, to bring in the energy, to ground it and to prepare the body for meditation.

Using the Breath

Either instead of or following your yoga practice, make yourself comfortable in a seated position and allow yourself to focus for a while on the natural flow of your breath! Paying close attention to the sensations it brings to your body, and to the effect is has on your mind. Becoming conscious of the breath, is also an invaluable way to bring spiritual energy into the material realm!

Creating a Crystal Grid

Smudge or use incense in the area of your grid so that you clear and cleanse any unwanted energies from the area.

Once you have chosen your crystal or crystals, you may have enough to lay them out in a pattern or 'grid' formation. 

You can choose the stones intuitively or pick from the list above. If you don't have enough crystals, why not grab some stones from the garden, wash them and then follow the steps below.

To create a grid, place a piece of cloth or paper onto your altar or directly onto the Earth if outside.

Hold each crystal or stone in your left hand and open your heart to your intention, before placing it.

Place a centre stone in the middle of your grid, this is known as the focus stone and will channel universal energy into your grid.

Lay the other stones around this centre stone in two circles. The inner circle honours the way you will achieve your results by means of empowering the stones you have chosen with your intent and by them carrying the Universal energy from the focus stone outward, the outer circle are the stones to amplify your desire. 

Once you have placed your stones, you need to activate the grid by energetically connecting each stone to the centre stone. This can be done with a crystal point or wand, or you can simply use your finger and hold the intention in your mind.

Not making a Grid?

If you wish you can just sit and hold the crystals, carry them with you, or meditate with them instead. They will still be honouring their role and supporting you on your path.


After the previous practices, or instead of, allow yourself to become very still; physically. I recommend sitting in a way that is comfortable to you. You can prop yourself up against a wall, or use a chair if you prefer.

Allow your body to become very still, and watch the breath gently moving through you. Rest your mind on your heart space and allow feelings of love and warmth to radiate around your body from this powerful centre.

Once you feel calm and centred, bring to mind all the achievements you have made of the last year, however small or insignificant they may appear! Every achievement is a gift!

Recognise any adversities you have overcome or have learnt to manage and adjust to. These are all achievements that can be celebrated.

Spend some time honouring your Self and the wonderful gifts you have brought into this world, just by being you! You may have positively influenced a colleague or friend. You may have been kind to someone you barely know. Perhaps you sacrificed or put on hold something important to you, because someone needed your energy more for a while.

These are all ways the Solar Plexus chakra manifests itself in our daily lives.

Once you have recounted these blessings, allow yourself to bring to mind something you would like to achieve, just for you! Something that will express your truth within this beautiful world.

If necessary, write it down and place it under your pillow. Looking at it each morning or night, until you have achieved it.

You are a special light in this world, and just by building your own light, you allow others to see how they can find their own!

If you wish to celebrate with me there are some Solstice events I will be running this month.

I am holding a gong bath on 6th June in Kingsthorpe, and my Wednesday Evening Yoga on Wednesday 22nd June, in Balmoral Road, will both be in honour of the Solstice Celebrations.

If you would like to book onto either event, please just let me know!

I am also holding another wonderful gong bath at Magazine Heaven, Rushden Lakes on Monday 27th June. There are only 4 places still available so do email jemma@magazineheaven.com with your enquiries.

It will be lovely to see you at one of these events!

Sending love and light,


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