Take a visit to the Akashic Hall of Records - 2 special gong baths!

Hello Yogis.

This month, I am holding two very special gong baths. Both of which will seek to enable you to connect to and interact with, the Akashic Hall of Records.

What is the Akashic Hall of Records?

Also known as the Hall of Records or the Akashic Records, this is an energy field that stores all the memories, experiences, thoughts, perceptions, and actions that every living thing has ever done, is doing or will ever do. Relevant to past and future lives as well as the wondrous life you are living now.

How can accessing the Akashic Hall of Records help you?

As you journey to the Hall of Records, you will be able to view different aspects of your life, or past/future lives, and the elements that are influencing them.

You may have made contracts in a past life that; a common one is that of poverty, or maybe one that keeps you bound to a particular job or way of life, even to a particular person. These contracts are held within the records and influence you on an energetic and sub-conscious level. This influence can then lead to blocks in this current existence.

If you are aware that you keep moving within the same patterns of behaviour or always fail to achieve certain goals, this may be to do with a past promise you made.

When in the records, you can view these contracts, re-write them, mark them as complete, you can even shelve some for later attention. Even beliefs that you hold in this life, can be re-written.

I have visited the records a number of times. Often the journey is completely out of your awareness, sometimes, you will gain flashes of insight or be aware all the way through of the information you are sorting through and the past challenges you have overcome or experienced.

What will happen in the gong bath?

The gong bath will be much like a regular gong bath, but there will be more verbal guidance through some of it; where I will lead you towards the Hall of Akashic Records. Once you are there, the gongs will accompany you on your journey through the information you are to receive.

As mentioned, you may not remember anything out of the norm, but for some, this can be a very enlightening journey.

I saw my cat, Motley-May, before she was even born, step out of a doorway and into my heart; while I was under a deep meditation within the Akashic. I recognised her as soon as I saw her, and energetically we are connected so strongly. 

When and where will the gong baths take place?

The first gong bath will take place on Monday 9th May 7-8pm.

Venue: Church of Holy Trinity, Balmoral Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton. NN2 6PH - £15 - Book Here

Kenny and I will be holding a special second gong bath on Monday 16th May 7.15pm-8.15pm. 

Venue: Magazine Heaven at Rushden Lakes Shopping Park, NN10 6FS. - please book by emailing jemma@magazineheaven.com. - £20 **There are only a few ‘seated’ places left, so do hurry!**

If you would like to know more about the subject of the Akashic Hall of Records, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

I do hope to see you at one of the gong baths!

Wit love and light.


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