Don't fall victim to the current circumstances!

Hello Yogis.

We find ourselves in yet another cycle of lockdown and change!

As human beings we are not cut out for long term uncertainty, yet in reality, that is the very nature of being alive. Us humans, like to feel that we have some level of control, at least to some extent, over the choices we make and over the direction our life is taking.

It is important to remember that although you may be feeling powerless, scared, resentful or angry, there are however a few things in life that you can be certain of, and that you can choose to influence.

Remember that...

The sun will still wake you up every day and the moon will still put you to bed at night.

The flowers, trees and the grass will continue to grow and will continue to follow their life cycles.

The animals will continue to evolve and to respond to the changing demands of their environment…and all this will all be achieved, without a question, or a conscious thought!

Human nature is different...

Our unique ability to think and to reason has enabled us to realise that we have our own innate and conscious power to bring influence to our immediate surroundings, and also towards the very form from which we deliver those changes. Because of this, we are used to always striving for change and influence. This current situation is really putting those needs to the test and creating some frustrations and fear around our actual ability to do that after all!

You may know consciously that what you do, think and practice in life, will affect the very nature of the reality you see unfold on a daily basis and that is a huge weight to carry.

Because you are connected to everything... 

There is no question about the fact that, you are connected, not only to every other person but also to the wonderful cycles of life that I have mentioned above, then the actions and choices you make, will influence those very cycles and also your personal life.

Despite this pandemic, you still have ultimate power to influence what is happening to everything around you right now.

Having said that, you must not shoulder the weight of the world. All you can do is recognise that when you take care of your immediate reality, in the here and the now, that will, due to the power of connection, automatically influence the whole! So if those changes and decisions you are making, are positive, then by the law of cause and effect, there is more likely to be a swing towards a positive outcome, rather than a negative one!

When things are bad, the more good you put into the equation, the greater the chance of good prevailing!

There is a reason why I have brought up this subject.

With all the too-ing and fro-ing and discussions for and against all the decisions that are being made on behalf of us all, I encourage you to seek out your influence!

Your world, as you sit here and read this may seem upside down, it may seem not far from your usual normal, this being based on our individual perspective.

In order to build that immediate perspective, with a feeling of contentment and peace, of a love of life and, of confidence and of gratitude, you just need to show up for yourself!

Here are 5 benefits you can expect to see, if you make a few small changes to your day!

Greater Energy!

Choosing to build an exercise routine into your day, will help you to build more physical strength and stamina. It will help your body to stay strong and flexible. It will support your core feeling, both physically and emotionally so that you have the confidence you need to walk into your future with gratitude and personal power.

Increased compassion!

Because you are allowing your nervous system to filter and to process the stresses around you, you will no longer be holding onto worry or frustration. This will leave you with more space to be able to help others to do the same. The secret here, is that you won’t actually need to do anything for them, other than show them your new found compassion and open nature and that may well inspire them to find the courage to make personal changes too.

A different perspective on a lifetime of frustration!

For most of us and from children, you may have been lead to believe that you need to be continually building and improving every aspect of life. From the house you life in, to the job you do, from the way you look to the influence you may have over the next person. These expectations can lead to frustration, when lifestyle challenges or personal circumstances seem to conspire against those preferred outcomes. Also it can leave you feeling like you may lack the confidence to even try to achieve those things, because the pressure of doing so is just pulling you down so far, you have no energy left and you end up suffering burn out!

When you allow yourself to build on your physical body, and when you allow yourself to filter out your stresses and the demands of others, or those from our ‘unreasonable’ self; you will find a strength of perseverance you didn’t know you had. Your perspective may shift from the material and transient achievements to some that are more long lasting or meaningful, such as building your achievements around the way you help others, or the little acts of kindness you can make. When we give we receive. If you doubt this, the next time you see someone needing a hand, a warm drink or a smile, respond with kindness and attention and notice how it lifts your spirits.

As you do to others, you do to yourself!

As you make those small acts of kindness to others, you will also notice that you are automatically kinder to yourself!

This leads me to the next change that you will see!

Your subsequent increase in self-esteem may lead you towards more healthy life choices and in particular, a change in the way you manage your day, your diet and your approach to nurturing your wonderful physical body and the nurture of a wonderfully happy mindset, regardless of the larger picture that is facing the human race! Your inner reality would have shifted to higher levels of awareness and priority. As you begin to trust in yourself and the unfolding energy that you can now relate to, you will then begin to see that as your influence spills out, just by being you, so the momentum grows, as described above, to influence the whole!

So…to help you humbly on your way, I have recorded a podcast giving you tips to help you to avoid the negative reasons why we don’t begin to pursue or continue to pursue a path towards personal power and freedom, not only for yourself but for life as a whole.

You will hear about ways you can start to free yourself from the habitual patterns that have formed some of the frustrations you feel and I will guide you to find your own choices as to how and when to make those change.

The podcast is a simple tool to allow you to build a daily routine, motivated within your own truth and in a way that is connected to your physical and emotional needs, at any given time.

You can find find the podcast here! Getting Motivated - You owe it to yourself!

I do hope you enjoy the journey.

I am always here for a chat to or to ask me a question!

As you know I am offering some free 121 15 minute personal meditation or yoga sessions online should you need to reach out throughout the coming month. You can use it alongside the podcast to bring a practical element into your day!

I really miss you all, in presence, but we are still connected, as you read this.

Sending love and positivity to you and to all those you love!


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