Don't complain, just do it!

Hello Yogis.

Could you sum up the one major thing that 2021 has taught you?

For me, I have learned that I need to become even more aware of every thought, action and interaction that is taking place throughout every moment of life. 

While I have thankfully been extremely busy, I have realised that the last 2 years have taken their toll a little. I was beginning to doubt my ability to rise above the situation and was worried that it couldn't be as it was before.

The worry of where we were all going, and how things would be as we opened up; took my energy. I was nervous things wouldn't be the same, and I had felt that everything I had put into the last 13 years of teaching could have gone to pot. it was making me feel tired and uninspired.

I then had a revelation...

It was strange, I was preparing to wash up a mountain of dishes, which is my pet hate, and as I slipped the gloves on, I caught site of my thoughts. I realised my thoughts were making me feel bad. I was tired, I hate doing the dishes as there are so many more important and time consuming things I could be doing! I was feeling resentful and exhausted and in that moment, I was confronted with the bigger picture of how I was feeling in life as a whole. 

We all moan about doing dishes or taking out the rubbish but these daily bugbears can be the little gems of insight that we need to notice to begin to recognise the patterning that underpins every aspect of life! I stopped in my tracks and said to myself, "don't complain, just do it!" In that moment, I realised that this related exactly to how I had been feeling for the last 6 months! I had been holding thoughts that were ultimately weighing me down and killing my motivation and enthusiasm, my confidence and my zest and passion for every day! I was doing it to myself!

As a result of my little self consultation I developed a new mantra... "don't complain, just do it!"

In that moment I decided not to let the worry stop me in my tracks. I put myself back out there and I am amazed at how quickly things have felt like they used to feel.

Can you remember all those classes we shared before the pandemic? The laughter, the connection, the warmth...they are all still there, only now with a larger sense of gratitude and appreciation!

When we become conscious of our own doubts and worries and when we take notice of the inner dialogue that is perpetually playing out in the mind, we realise how much of life we are in danger of self sabotaging through this inner commentary. We constantly look for reassurance on the outside that we can trust the feelings we have on the inside, or we let the outside influence the inner. When there is no firm ground, as in the current situation, it can be easy to lose your footing and slip down the slippery slope towards doubt and fear.

There is an old Buddhist saying that encourages an inner change to occur. It says that when things around you are going wrong, focus on doing as many positive things as you can, however small, and by the law of attraction, you will find yourself in a much more positive situation.

This approach works, mentally, physically, emotionally and practically.

I use my teaching to re-enforce my own narrative so I thank you for being there to inspire me to be a better person!

If you would like to done your washing up gloves (metaphorically speaking) and start to tackle the mountain of changes that you could make as you move towards what could be an amazing 2022, why not come along to some of the wonderful events, classes and treatments below and see how you have the power to lift yourself from this reality and into another!

Everything starts with your thoughts...where are yours taking you?

With that said...what have I been busy doing?

I really have no idea where the time has gone since my last newsletter to you.

I have been so busy delivering wonderful gong baths that are selling out well before the event date.

There is the Walk the Talk spiritual progression master classes that have been so well received and is going from strength to strength.

And of course my regular Wednesday Evening classes in Kingsthorpe, which have been such a joy.

We have seen familiar faces and also some new and beautiful people who have this year joined the Yoga Freedom family.

My Monday, Friday and Saturday Zoom classes are also still running for those who prefer to practice from home.

In additon to the wonderful classes and events I have been busy delivering Crystal Healing, Sound Healing and Reiki Healing from my treatment room at home. Some people have had a 121 yoga followed by a treatment and leave me feeling on cloud 9!

There are also a couple of new downloadable classes, in addition to the two online courses I recorded for you to purchase and keep, just in case you can't make it to a class at a time when I teach. I will be releasing more over time. 

I also deliver regular monthly meditations for FREE via Facebook live. You can join the group here and you will be notified when I go live. The videos are recorded so you can view them at a later time. 

From a year of worry and struggle, we have found together, a healing space of love and light that will carry us through whatever 2022 has to offer.

You may even find that perfect Christmas present, with a Yoga Freedom Gift Voucher!

I will be in touch before the big day!

Until then, sending you oodles of love and light in your heart!


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