A 40 minute class recording for you to enjoy, as we move forwards together!

Hello Yogis!

Can you believe that almost another month has passed us by!

We are all finding different experiences and challenges arising throughout this current situation and I am marvelled by the ability of the human spirit to adjust to, and to find the resolve needed to continue this journey towards freedom and perfect health.

Please don’t ever forget how amazing you are and the influence you have to brighten someones day; whether through the subtle gifts you share with those who are closet to you, or quite possibly that stranger you passed on the street, whilst lending them a friendly smile! We all need that contact.

These newsletters have become more important to me as a form of communication because of the lack of contact I have had with you all in the past few weeks.

Having had more time to delve deeper into my own spiritual practice, and having completed a wonderful 8 module Yoga Therapy Philosophy Course with world renowned teacher Dr Kausthub Desikachar, I am missing more and more the contact with you all, as I feel I have more to share with you!

Yoga Freedom - The Podcast

As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I would be releasing some monthly Podcasts for you to listen to at home.

It is also available on...
Google Podcast App - Search Yoga Freedom

Please do continue to send to me, any topic for discussion that you would like to see me include in a future podcast. At the end of the day, I am doing this all with you in mind!

Your own inspiration!

I know that some of you, have been making the most of the changing circumstances and have found some extra time and space to explore more of a home journey of discovery through either, yoga, meditation or via another activity that you may have previously been placing on the back burner.

Even those of you who have become busier as a result of these restrictions, may have found a way to ease that burden, through a personal journey of some kind.

I would love to hear your stories of how this lockdown has affected you, and in particular what resources you have turned towards to help you to feel more balanced and centred during this challenging time.

Helping you to find your peace.

If you have not experienced one of my online classes yet, you may like to join us sometime. There are plenty of classes, events and workshops for you to consider.

Joining a class is easy and I have received such wonderful reports of how so much of the community spirit my classes have always enjoyed, still comes across as everyone gets to say hello at the start and end of each class, should they wish to!

Watch for FREE, a 40 minute yoga class recording for you to enjoy!

I have recorded here a 40 minute class that is accessible for you to watch via the Zoom platform. The recording will be available for around 28 days*.

Why not try a 121 class, tailored for you!

I do feel that online classes will be continuing for the foreseeable future but as lockdown restrictions ease slightly, it may be possible for me to run some out door classes at some point, weather permitting. So do watch this space for any last minute updates regarding that. You may like to join the Yoga Freedom Facebook Group for immediate updates regarding the above.

I do hope this marvellous weather continues for a while yet and that you are able to spend some time with friends and family that you haven’t been able to see of late.

Time is the most valuable commodity, it can never be retrieved once spent, so I do appreciate your taking time to connect with me in this way!

With lots of love.

Carrie-Anne. xx

*Please seek medical advice if you have any condition or concern regarding your ability to practice yoga safely. Yoga Freedom can accept no liability for any loss or injury caused during online classes. Please read the yoga cautions mentioned at the bottom of the Yoga Freedom health disclaimer form that you can download, prior to practicing.

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Benefits of Swan Stretch - Cakravakasana
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When you're feeling 'All at Sea" at Christmas time!
Hello Yogis! In this issue, you will find... * information regarding the timetable of classes over the Christmas period. * ...read more

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